Tisata Reserve is situated between the two banks ot the Struma river, at south edge of Kresna gorge. It has a protected territory of 574,50 hectares. In 1949 Tisata was declared protected territory on an area of only 19 hectares situated at the eastern edge of the reserve. There are about 460 plant species in the reserve and many endemits and rare invertebrates. On the territory of the reserve there are endangered bats and raptiles. "Tisata" is an important ornithological place. There are more than 100 kinds of nesting birds on its territory. "Tisata" is situated in the vicinities of the town of Kresna, Blagoevgrad district.

Tamnata Gora Reserve was established in 1948 aimig to preserve the mixed forest of spruce, beech and fir-tree which is characteristic for this part of the Rhodopes . In 1999 it was listed in a higher category. “Tamnata Gora” is situated in the region of Kovachevitza village, Garmen municipality, Blagoevgrad district.

Ali Botush Reserve

Ali Botush Reserve

Ali Botush Reserve is situated in Slavyanka Mountain. It was established in 1951 on an area of 1 628 hectares. On the territory of the reserve there is a strong Mediterranean influence which has formed a unique vegetation for the territory of Bulgaria. There are forests of black pine, beech, fir-tree. On the territory of the reserve there is a large number of endemits, relicts and invertebrates. “Ali Botush” is a biosphere reserve. Gotzev peak (2 212 m) is situated in the reserve. The reserve is situated in the region of Katuntzi village, Sandanski municipality, Blagoevgrad district.

Konski dol Reserve is situated in the region of Satovcha village, Satovcha municipality, Blagoevgrad district. It was established in 1962 aiming to preserve the century-old mixed beech-spruce forest. In 1999 it was listed in a higher category. The reserve has a protected territory of 34,70 hectares in the Western part of the Rhodopes.

Kongura Reserve is situated in the region of the town of Petrich, Blagoevgrad district. It was established in 1988 on an area of 1 312 hectares aiming to preserve the natural forest ecosystems of chestnut-tree (castanea sativa) and beech.

Sokolata Reserve was established in 1985 on an area of 211 hectares aiming to preserve the century-old beech (Quercus grainetto) forest in Maleshevska Mountain. It is situated in the region of Igralishte village, Strumyani municipality, Blagoevgrad district.

Ostritza Reserve is situated in Golo Bardo mountain (its highest peak is Vetrushka ( 1158 m). The mountain is almost deforested. The reserve is situated around the Ostritza peak (1 148 m). There are more than 3000 kinds of grassy plants and rare animal species. "Ostritza" was declared protected territory in 1961. In 1999 it was listed in a higher category. The reserve has a protected territory of 136,60 hectares and is situated in the region of the town of Pernik, Pernik district.

Gabra Reserve is situated in the region of Tzarvaritza village, Nevestino municipality, Kyustendil district. It was established in 1949. In 1999 it was listed in a higher category aiming to preserve black pine tree which is characteristic only for this region. The reserve has a protected territory of 89, 60 hectares in the south part of Osogovo mountain.

Bogdan Reserve is situated in Sashtinska Sredna Gora Mountain in the region of the town of Koprivshtitsa, Sofia district. It was established in 1972 aiming to preserve century-old beech forest. In 1999 it was listed in a higher category. The reserve has a protected territory of 113,40 hectares.

Uchilishtna Gora Reserve was established in 1963. In 1999 it was listed in a higher category. There is a century-old beech forest on the territory of the reserve. It is situated in the vicinities of Bozhenitza village, Botevgrad municipality, Sofia district.

Orelyak Reserve is situated in the region of the town of Gotze Delchev, Blagoevgrad district. It was established in 1985 on an area of 758, 10 hectares aiming to preserve primary beech forests.

Tzarnata reka Reserve was established in 1980 on an area of 197 hectares aiming to preserve primary beech forests. It is situated in the region of Sazhdenik village, Kyustendil municipality, Kyustendil district.

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