The treasure of the Mogilanovo's mound, Vratza District was discovered in 1965 at the centre of the town of Vratza. Here was discovered one of the two Thracian burial chariots from pre-Roman time. Most interesting are the findings of tomb № 2 where the horse and the chariot are together with the skeleton of another horse, silver coated reins and silver applications. At the back was also discovered the skeleton of a juvenile, buried with a face to the ground and a gold wreath on his head, 47 gold applications, 2 gold ear-rings, 4 silver phials, a silver jug, a rhytonized amphora, a silver knee-piece with gold coating, 88 spear tops, a sword, a bronze helmet, 50 clay figures and other findings.
The mirror in the left hand of the skeleton has a special value. The buried man is about 145-150 cm high. He has been thought to be a woman until recently. However, wearing of jewels is not very characteristic for the Thracian women. According to the scientists the buried person is probably a Tribalian Thracian prince.
The rhytonized amphora from the Mogilanovo's mound is 14 cm high, with a diameter of 6 cm, made of silver and dating back to 339 B.C. According to the scientists it is part of an Odrysian royal set. Its body is formed as a fir-cone. The fir-cone is part of the Dionysius scepter which is engirdled with ivy and vine leaves and ends up with a fir-cone. On the scales of the cone one can see the stylized relief patterns of sun symbols.
The jug from the Mogilanovo's mound is 9 cm high, weighs 240 grams and is made of gold. It dates back to the third quarter of IV c. B.C. It is formed in the type of a low-stemmed glass. The mouth is covered with pearls and ovals, under the neck there is a wreath of palm leaves. The fretwork handle has the form of a Hercules's knot. At the walls of the vessel there are opposing chariots - two-wheeled ones with a hanging chassis. Four unicorns are harnessed in the chariots and their bellies form a straight line. The horses' head and breast bands are decorated with round applications. In every chariot there is a charioteer - the God Apollonius. He is represented beardless and rather naïve. His hair is depicted with straight lines, the eyes are full-length but the head is disproportional to the body.
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The knee-piece from the Mogilanovo's mound is 46 cm high, made of silver with gold coating, dating back to the third quarter of IV c. B.C. The upper part of the kneepiece is formed in the shape of a woman's face with almond-shaped eyes. Her forehead is covered with an ivy wreath. Her hair is in spiral shaped curls forming a horizontal plait at the forehead. Bird-shaped ear-rings can be seen on her ears. Some scientists think that the wide bands along the face stand for a tattoo. The image of the Great Goddess is also represented.
The phial from the Mogilanovo's mound is 4,5 cm high, with a diameter of 10 cm and a weight of 117,16 grams. It is made of silver with gold coating and dates back to 339 B.C. The body of the phial is covered with fluting and the bottom is decorated with an application. The application is made with the technique of the leaf gold coating. In the centre there is a frame of a medallion representing the Great Goddess in profile. The goddess is with a gorgeous hairstyle and is wearing characteristic earrings and necklace. The phial was part of an Odrysian royal set.